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Education and Labor - Indian Basic Education Act (H.R. 9810)

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: James R. Jones Legislative Series


The letter is from Mrs. Frank C. Robinson to Congressman James R. Jones, requesting his assistance in promoting upcoming Congressional hearings on Indian educational needs in Oklahoma. The letter expresses the importance of gathering facts and opinions concerning Indian education in public and private schools, and emphasizes the need for Oklahoma to be represented in the hearings. The letter concludes with a thank you for the congressman's assistance. Annette Lovat, a staff assistant to Congressman Jones, responds to the letter, acknowledging Mrs. Robinsons concerns and assuring her that the congressman is interested in Indian educational needs and will review her comments when he returns to the office.


The text is a letter from Sally Rodenberg Farley to Ms. Farley, the Director of Indian Education, urging for a congressional hearing on Indian education in Oklahoma. Farley believes that such a meeting would benefit the Oklahoma Indians and provide an opportunity to exchange facts and opinions on the matter. She also mentions the new Vocational Educational Act of 1976 and the need for representation of Oklahoma tribes in the National Boards of Education. Farley believes that a congressional hearing in Oklahoma would help clarify misconceptions and address issues related to Indian education.


The text discusses the potential exclusion of BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) education programs from the new Department of Education. It mentions that both the House and Senate versions of the legislation currently exclude BIA programs, but there is a possibility of an amendment being offered to change this. The text also discusses the impact of the Basic Indian Education Act, including the involvement of Tribal Councils in curriculum development, a complaint procedure for Tribal Councils, and the reorganization of BIA education. It also mentions the reauthorization of Title IV of the Indian Education Act, which includes funding for special needs of Indian children and preference for Indian organizations in pilot projects.


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Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center | University of Oklahoma